public Map> getALXBarData2() { Map > map = new HashMap >(); Map tempMap_1 = new TreeMap (); Map tempMap_2 = new TreeMap (); Map tempMap_3 = new TreeMap (); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH"); Connection con = null; Statement stat = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = ""; String result = ""; try { con = DataService.getConnection(); stat = con.createStatement(); sql = "select b.EXEC_TIME, count(STATUS),STATUS " + " FROM PATROL3_JOB_RESULT_CONTENT a," + " (select convert(char(4), datepart(yy, EXEC_TIME)) + '-' +" + " convert(char(2), datepart(mm, EXEC_TIME)) + '-' +" + " convert(char(2), datepart(dd, EXEC_TIME)) + " + " convert(char(2), datepart(hh, EXEC_TIME)) EXEC_TIME," + " RESULT_ID" + " FROM PATROL3_JOB_RESULT" + " where TASK_ID = '1199d0a7a4a540f2'" + " and EXEC_TIME <= (select max(EXEC_TIME)" + " FROM PATROL3_JOB_RESULT" + " where TASK_ID = '1199d0a7a4a540f2')" + " and EXEC_TIME >" + " dateadd(hh," + " -6," + " (select max(EXEC_TIME)" + " FROM PATROL3_JOB_RESULT" + " where TASK_ID = '1199d0a7a4a540f2'))) b" + " where STATUS in (0,10001,10002) " + " and a.RESULT_ID = b.RESULT_ID" + " group by b.EXEC_TIME,STATUS"; rs = stat.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) { String time = rs.getString(1); String cnt = rs.getString(2); String status = rs.getString(3); result = time + "&&" + cnt + "&&" + status; Date dt = format.parse(time); if (status.trim().equals("0")) { tempMap_1.put(dt, result); } else if (status.trim().equals("10001")) { tempMap_2.put(dt, result); } else if (status.trim().equals("10002")) { tempMap_3.put(dt, result); } } map.put("0", tempMap_1); map.put("1", tempMap_2); map.put("2", tempMap_3); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return map; }
var panel2 = new Ext.Panel({ title : '饼图', width : Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth() * 0.37, height : Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight()*0.27, items : [new Ext.Panel({ loadMask : ({ msg : '数据加载中...' }), autoWidth : true, //height : 170, layout : 'fit', id : "flashpane2", border : false, html : "